Monday, January 27, 2014

Student Organization Fair was a bust?

The Theater table featured many pictures of their recent performances
Students sign up to join clubs and organizations
These students took a black light test to find out how clean their hands really are. 
Student Organization Fair: going down the tubes?

            The Student Organization fair that was held in the Marian Center on January 23rd, 2014 was a great opportunity for students to participate and join student clubs and organizations on campus, and to really feel like they are a part of the campus. Or was it? The campus organization called the Avila Singers were a no show at this organization fair, as were several other organizations.  But, why? Why would an organization that could be not very well known, not show up to an organization fair to get their name out there and to get other students signed up to join them in a club that they believe is important to the campus? This was not just the case for the Avila Singers.  Many other student organizations were not present at this event as well. 
            Jason Baldwin, the director of Student Life for 12 years at Avila, tells us that there are two Student Organization Fairs every year.  The first fair happens in August where they have every student organization present along with free food, snow cones, and other popular attractions that make for a great student turn out.  The second fair happens at the first of the year in January and has very little participation on the part of the students and the student clubs and organizations. Baldwin believes that the cold weather in January has a direct effect on the participation of students attending the fair or not.  Baldwin says that it is up to the clubs and organizations if they want to have a table set up or not, but many decide not to have a table set up because very few students turn out anyway.  Baldwin used free hot chocolate with marshmallows to lure students in to talk to them about joining a club or organization. 
            So after knowing all of this, you may ask was this fair really successful or necessary?  If you ask the kinesiology club that question, their answer could very well be, yes it was.  The Kinesiology Club had several people join their club as their table was front and center in the Marian Center. Just another day in the life of an Eagle. 

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